CTRL-Z Scenes (jeffsfort.com)

A Misdake In Dhe Scwipd

Marc: "This has to be a mistake in the script. I seriously doubt I'm supposed to call a Clan wide Red Alert cause you forgot your lines."

Danny: "No it's in there, see. *Points to script.* Right there."

Marc: "It's in crayon!" *Rolls Eyes* "Is there anyone around with a copy of the script? You can't even read this one anymore."

Danny: "Ask Doctor Know, there's nothing he doesn.... OW!!!"

Marc: "Real cute." *Giggle* "Dan, did I ever tell you that my original author once got accused of taking ideas from that movie to create me?"

Danny: "From A.I.? Dude, your story came out long before that movie did."

Marc: "Go figure." *Giggle*

Danny: "Hey!" *Snicker* "Did I ever tell YOU that my original author once got accused of being lazy?"

Marc: [Dead Stare]

Danny: "True story."

Marc: "Um... Bro... I know your author. He is lazy." *Laughs*

Jeff: "Lazy huh? Okay..."

Keep an eye out for the next chapter where the parts of Danny Page and Marc Furst will be played by Joseph Owens and Timmy Short!

Marc: "Oh no..."

Joey: "Dhis has do be a misdake in dhe scwipd. I sewiouswy doubd I'm supposed do caww a Cwan wide wed awewd cause you fowgod youw wines."

Timmy: "Yeah-ha. It's there!" *Pounds script with finger* "See!"

Danny: "See Marc? Too lazy to even get the boys a new script." *Giggle*